IMB Instructors and Coaches Clinic • August 22 - 26, 2016
22109 S. Vermont Avenue, Torrance CA 90502 USA
The IMB, International Martial arts Boxing, Instructors and Coaches Clinic is a week long seminar open to IMB affiliate instructors and senior students. The Clinic will be hosted by first generation instructor of Lee Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do - Sigung Bustillo. He will personally teach all 5 hours for 5 days. Teaching techniques and coaching methods will be emphasized. IMB Clinic T-shirt and a 25 hour participation certificate will be presented to each participant. Clinic Fee: $450.00 or $400.00 in advance. You are invited to the IMB Annual Summer Picnic on August 21st., Sunday at Hickory Park, 2850 W 232nd Street, Torrance,CA 90505
2016 IMB Clinic Schedule
8/22, Monday: Acquaintance & Jeet Kune Do
8/23, Tuesday: Photo session, Striking arts: Muay Thai - Boxing
8/24, Wednesday: Grappling Arts: Wrestling-Jiujitsu-Judo
8/25, Thursday: Weapon Arts: Kali-Eskrima-Arnis & Sparring
8/26, Friday: Self Defense Awareness, Early Dinner & Certification