Check out the new schedule changes.
Exciting things are afoot! The Parkour obstacle wall is up. The Ninja warrior training area will be done soon. Crossfit training studio is joining us. And best of all we will soon be under AC again!
Exciting class schedule changes coming 4/1/16. More classes, day classes, earlier times. Details coming soon.
We are now in our new place. Please excuse the dust as we turn it into Longwood's premire martial arts training facility.
New site is up! It needs tons of work due to a misunderstanding on when the hosting of the site renewed, so friends and visitors help me find all the typos and design disfunctions.
Thanks, Sifu Tim.
Starting October 1st, 2014 we will no longer be having Thursday classes. All other classes will remain the same. Thank you.
Escrima • Kali • Anis Seminar
Sunday, october 12, 2014 • 9am – 12pm
Hosted by Tiger Martial arts
2100 N. Ronald Reagan Blvd. Suite 1008 • Longwood, FL
The Jeet Kune Do Institute is one of the best for the last two years!
You can read the press release here.
We have shirts back in stock! We sold old fast last time, so get them while they're hot!
I have posted the new testing requirements for advanced beginner on the curriculum page. Now you have a detailed plan to guide your training.
For those who missed the Breakthrough 11 MMA a show... well pictures are worth a thousand words.
Check out Trip's training vblog!
Come support John "Trip" Brinson and Randy "Walking Weapon" Newell March 1st in Daytona.
Greetings JKD brothers it's 2014!
I hope everyone had a good holiday vacation, but now it's time to get back to work.
There are some new things happening at the JKD Institute.
We have the cage up and ready for use. we will be training both our MMA fighters and street JKD people in it for close quarters and limited mobility situations.
We are also changing our class days and times as well. Starting Monday January 6, 2014 we will have two more class days a week! Classes will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday! Our weekday classes will also change to 7:15 to 9:15. Our Saturday classes will remain at 11:00 am.
Will also will have a slight price increase. The prices are as follows:
$15 per class
$45 a month for 1 class a week
$80 a month for 3 days a week
$100 a month for 5 days a week
We are also looking into getting MMA shorts and either a t-shirt or rash guard with the JKD logo printed on it for our uniform. I will be researching products and vendors over the next few weeks.
Lets make 2014 the best year yet!
Sifu Tim
Today, Monday Oct. 29th will be our last class at the Rio Grande Location.
Thanks to Steven Piantieri for hosting us there for so long for so little.
Our new classes will be at:
Tiger Martial Arts
2100 N. Ronald Reagan Blvd. Suite 1008
Longwood, FL
Class times will be:
Monday and Wednesday 7:30-9:30
Saturday 11-1
Our first class at Tiger will be this coming Saturday Nov. 3, please try to make it and bring your November dues.
Congradulations to Donavan, Lane, and Curt for representing the JKD Institute at the 2011 Naga Pan-Am. Three fighters, three medals, can't beat that!
Sifu Richard Bustillo coming to Orlando
November 19-20, 2011. Download the flyer below.
Space is limited so pre-register today!
Thanks to Matt and his fantastic cage, seen here in its new home at the JKD Institute. Also thanks for all those who helped tear out the walls necessary to fit this big boy in there and those who helped assemble it.
Greg was the winner in our rash guard drawing, but don't worry there are plenty of rash guards still available for purchase.
Check out this great video from Sifu Richard Bustillo at his school The IMB Academy. He sahares some great personal Bruce Lee stories.
Beginning August 1st, there will be a price increase. Please see the Times & Prices page for details.
Congratulations to Dartangan on his first place finish at the BJJ tournament. Watch his gold medal fight and see him use a "Sifu special" one-handed choke, watch closely it happens fast. fight link.
Congratulations to David Branch for his hard work and dedication to the Jeet Kune Do Institute. David is the first student to be promoted to Assistant Coach under the new JKD MMA curriculum.
The Sunday Seminar Series begins, March 6th, 1-5 pm. Our first seminar will cover JKD trapping. Beginning, advanced, counter, vs. boxing, from the clinch, to grappling, etc. Space is Limited reserve your spot today!
Happy New Year to everyone. Although it is already the 24th of January it isn't too late to get that New Year's resolution going. Loose weight, get in shape, learn to whip ass... whatever your goals make the JKD Institute part of them.
Check out our location for photos of our new 1,100 Sq. Ft. of matted space.
Follow us on Facebook at the Jeet Kune Do Institute Group.
Been a long time since I've updated anything here, sorry about that. I had a nice visit/mini-seminar with Sifu Richard Bustillo on Sunday. It's always good to see him, not only does he know his martial arts, he's just a really great guy. HE has a new biography out now, order your copy today! www.irondragonrichardbustillo.com
Starting February 6 we will be having class on Saturdays 10am to 12pm.
We are currently only having classes Monday and Wednesday.
We will be observing Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th and will not be having class. Thank you.
More classes added! Starting today, May 1, 2009 we will be holding classes Monday thru Thursday, 6:30 - 8:30 pm. We also have a monthly rate and new by-the-class price. Check out our times and prices page for full details.
Added a link to my friend Jeff's Moldovan's site
and one to my short film 'Assassin Blues'.
Here is a link to Curt's third place winning fight at the Florida
NAGA tournament.
And one for David's third place winning fight at Walt Disney world.
We are temporarily holding classes Monday and Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30 pm at:
College Park Commerce Center
2040 N. Rio Grande Ave., Orlando
It's one block South of Princeton St.
and one block East of 441
These classes are $5 a class.
I hope all of you had a good Thanksgiving. I'm still working on securing us a location, expect something by Dec. 1. Thanks for your patience.
For all who attended the Richard Bustillo seminar...thanks and send me your pictures for the website.
Congratulations to Steve and Ronny who were promoted to Apprentice Instructor directly under Richard Bustillo, making them 2nd generational students of Bruce Lee.
Happy belated Birthday to Bruce whose birthday was yesterday November 27.
If you have been trying to email me at sifumotter@jkdinstitute.com there is a problem with my hosting service (they suck) I am now aware of the 'permanent error' message you were getting. Please use sifumotter@earthlink.net for the time being.
!!Emergency Notice!!
We will NOT be having class starting Nov. 5th. There is a problem with Seminole County Impact Fee for the location and we will not be able to move in as planed. If you have paid for November, your payment will begin as soon as we start class again. I apologize for the inconvenience. This does NOT affect the Richard Bustillo Seminar.
We will begin classes at our new location starting on November 5th. Happy Birthday Sifu Tim, who turns 39 today. Also, due to the unexpected move of the school, we will be extending the early registration price for the seminar. All seminar participants will get the $125 rate. A special thanks for everyone who prepaid for the seminar.
Richard Bustillo Seminar flyer is now available. Also check out this great video of Sifu Bustillo on the Black Belt Magazine site.
Sorry it's been so long in updating or site. Email and voicemail has also been giving us fits.
The location for our holiday party is set. It will be at the China Garden Restaurant at the corner of University Blvd. and 436 in Winter Park. We have our own private room and we should start sitting down 5:30-6:00 pm, Saturday December 30.
Cina Garden Restaurant
118 S. Semoran Blvd. (SR 436)
Winter Park, FL 32792
Also our holiday schedule is as follows:
No class Dec. 25 and 26
No class Jan. 1 and 2
Added more to photo page.
Added pictures from JFJKD convention in Holland 2001. Can you name all the people there? Also added some photos from varioustournaments over the years.
Added JKD Institute wallpaper for your enjoyment. Also added the advanced beginner testing requirements to the curriculum page.
Apprentice Instructor Steve Piantieri recently returned from a trip to Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Bangkok. Here are some photos of a Bangkok JKD class where Steve instructs them in some of the finer points of submission grappling.
Thanks Sifu Richard for another great seminar. Congratulations to Rudy Lams for his promotion to Senior Full Instructor, and Jorge Espinosa for hosting his first seminar. Photos from the seminar can be found here.
Sorry we are/were having some problems with the email and the site. Our service provider was having problems with the server that holds our site. Sorry for the inconvenience.
We are coordinating a trip to Miami for a Richard Bustillo Seminar. It is a 2 day event Nov. 18-19 and will be only $75. Please notify Sifu Motter ASAP if you are interested in attending since hotel rooms are scarce due to a NASCAR event on the same weekend.
Also, if you are having trouble contacting Sifu Motter by phone, please try sending him an email.
We have changes to the private lesson prices and packages. It is becoming increasingly difficult to schedule private lessons due to time constraints. Please see our Times & Prices for changes.
Summer is over, time to get back to work. Now is the time to come in and start training. Try classes for a whole week for free!
MAY SPECIAL! If you join the Jeet Kune Do Institute before June 1, 2006 you will receive a free school shirt. For more details go to our times & prices page.
Sifu Motter has been nominated for Regional Master Instructor (Florida) of the Year by the World Head of Family Sokeship Council.
A big congratulations goes out to Richard woodman for placing third at the NAGA Nationals. I also want to thank Steve, Debo, Mook, Justin, and Murphy. You honor me and the JKD Institute by fighting for our school. I am proud of each and everyone of you! –– Sifu Tim
There will be no class Monday Jan. 30. We will have an orientation class at our new location on Tuesday Jan. 31 at 7:00 pm.
Starting Feb. 1 class times will be a 1/2 hr longer. Additionally, our regular prices are changing and there are some new executive packages.
Starting February 1st we will be in our NEW LOCATION! We will be training out of the beautiful 6,000 sq. ft. boxing center at Florida Fitness Concepts. See the location page for details. This is a huge upgrade in facilities, offering a full sized ring, new grappling mats, 13 different training bags, and a weight room.
Thanks to Tom Sipin, his family, Chris Caban, and all of those who made the trip to Orlando for the WEKAF tournament. Thanks to Chai, Tsaj, Ronny, Debo, and Justin for competing and winning by default in their weight class. A special thanks to Steve for the use of his warehouse space.
The JKD Institute is hosting the 2005 WEKAF Southeastern Invitational Stickfighting Championships 11/19/05. Also, 9th degree black belt Tom Sipin will give a Doce Pares Escrima seminar on 11/20/05.
Revamped the jkdinsitute.com site.
Added a link to my first feature film